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About me
Photo of Rajiv

Hello There! I'm Rajiv Mantena.

I'm a Mechanical Engineer at Noke, Inc. I work on designing, prototyping and iterating over to spread the smart lock lineup of Noke Smart Locks. I am a graduate from the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah. I hold a Masters in Robotics and was I'm affiliated with the Utah Robotics Center.

I am an Engineer holding a Bachelors in Mechatronics. Science has always fascinated me. I was fascinated by the coiled-springs in the toys when I was a kid. Electromagetism (or Physics in general) blew my mind away in school. It seemed like Engineering had chosen me. During my undergraduate, I had the opportunity to work on several projects where I had to solder chips, transistors, resistors, head to the shops to do some machining, write code in Embedded C and burn it onto Atmega microcontrollers, and the list just goes on...

After graduating I worked in the IT industry where I fell in love with the field of Computer Science. Science had again fasicated me, this time in the form of UNIX. I wrote scripts in Shell, C++ and SQL. After serving for 1.5 years as an Assistant Systems Engineer, I moved to the US to attend Grad School and study Robotics. Science has fascinated me this time around with Machine Learning, Computer Vision and AI. I just wonder, what more would I be able to learn about in the future.

I claim my preficiency in the below listed skills :

  • UNIX
  • Bash Shell
  • SQL
  • Teradata
  • C++
  • Python
  • HTML
  • OpenCV
  • Solidworks
  • Simulink
  • CSS
  • PHP
  • LaTeX
  • Power Excel
  • Arduino

Outside my field of study and work, I am a Photographic dilettante. I posses a strong wanderlust. I drive a lot. I've been a Speed-Cuber for a while and learnt to solve the Rubiks cube, blindfolded. I play badminton. I follow PHD comics. I appreciate Science Humor. I plan my day around food.

Connect with me

/mantenarajiv /in/mantenarajiv /rmantena
/mantenarajiv /mantenarajiv /rjv_mntn
© Rajiv Mantena | Updated : March 2018